Past Events from September 30, 2018 – June 9, 2019 – Ann Arbor Karate Club

AJKA-USA Instructor Training

Valor Martial Arts 4233 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI, United States

For Brown and Black Belts: Sensei Rob DeAngelis, 7th Dan, AJKA-I East Coast Director, is offering AJKA-USA Instructor Training. It requires a commitment of 8 weekends beginning in September, and the fee is $1800. The training will take place at Valor Martial Arts, in Kalamazoo, Sensei Nick Intgroen. Click here for flyer and additional details. 

Instructor Training and Seminar Weekend

Lakeshore Karate Club 3102 Henry Street, Muskegon, Michigan

What: Instructor training and seminar Where: Lakeshore Karate Club When: 9/28 from 6 - 9PM; 9/29 from 10 AM - 4 PM; 9/30 from 9 AM - noon Cost: Each module is $25. Friday's module is "What is Karate?" Saturday's modules are "Stances in Karate" and "Reaction force" Sunday's module is "Body parts used in Karate"

Kyu Testing

400 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor MI 48103 400 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, United States

Registration begins at 12:00 PM in  Studio B. Warm-Up Class will run from 12:30-1:10 PM. Kyu Testing will begin at 1:15 PM and run until 3:00 PM. Fee is $30 for Junior students and $35 for Adults. NOTE: There is a $10 fee for those testing for the first time.

AAKC Kyu Testing

400 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor MI 48103 400 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, United States

Registration begins at 12:00 PM in  Studio B. Warm-Up Class will run from 12:30-1:10 PM. Kyu Testing will begin at 1:15PM.